Thursday, September 29, 2011

personal thoughts of JMP showoff and end of summer thoughts

Me taken by Beyond the Rev at a RKC meet

I know I havent written much, but i guess I havent had much to say lately.  Well, this past weekend was Jmuag Production 2nd annual Showoff and it was my first time participating in putting a show together.  I can say overall it was a good experience and want to do another one next year.  Given a bigger spot I think the sky is the limit on where the show can go.  More planning and more promoting can only mean a bigger crowd and more things to do and see.  Even though the show this past weekend was kinda tucked away, i think the people that was there and the cars that was being showcase just shows that it can only get better.  One of the goals of the show was to get away from the regular "car meets" and actually showcase cars that are above your average car you see on the streets.  I'm sure some people who attended wish they couldve parked their cars alongside the "show cars", but again...our goal was to get away from your "car meets".

In my eyes the show was a success and by helping a local Hmong owner with his business is just another thing to add that it was a successful show.  I have plans of uniting two groups in the Hmong comunnity and as of right now is still in the works and hopefully next year we can make it happen for everyone to enjoy.  But until then i'll keep it under wraps, but everyone should be on the look out for 2012...and im not talking about the end of the world lol.

JMP 2nd showoff taken by Rio/JMP
 but uhh...back to the show over the weekend, it was great seeing everyone who attended.  The live music made the show and I truly think if we didnt have the music blasting it wouldnt be the same.  So, i just want to give props to the DJs for making the show live.  Even though we didn't have hundreds of cars, i think the quality of cars that was being showcased made up for the quanity. I just want to thank everyone for making it a success cause the show wouldve been whack as fuck if it wasn't for, real talk.

went bass fishing every weekend
 Soooo....Summer has left and Fall is already setting in.  Leaves are turning colors and soon enough I'll be raking them up into a pile and crying like crazy cause winter is coming.  I use to like winter as a kid, that was until i had to start driving in the snow and shoveling the stupid driveway every time we had snow fall.  I really think Summer went by too fast, but as I look back at the past summer months the only thing i can say i regret was not driving my car(fo-d'oh).  But i did a lot of the things i wanted to do this summer and that included from taking a road trip to DC, taking photos of cars and finishing it off with a car show.  I couldn't really ask any more out of summer, well...i could but I just dont wanna be greedy.  At the beginning of the year I was ready for anything and even though I didn't get to keep a job, doing the things i wanted to do all summer made up for it.  Cannot complain at all cause most people just sat around or went to work every day and to say i did what I wanted is saying a lot.

Well, since its gon only get colder and my activity will lessen, i think I will start filling my blog up with random thoughts and things i like such as music(videos), bully dogs and art....and whatever i feel like.  Since cars, will be down a bit until I Spring stir back up and JMP is back on the grind doing this shit.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On some real shit: Last summer Dayz (MAP round 3 drift pics)

As the summer days are winding down I took my last chance of taking photos at MAP’s 3rd round Drift event at Elko Speedway. You may be curious why I say “last chance”, it’s because that I sent back the camera that was gracious lend to me for the summer. It was a fun trip while it lasted as I stood side by side with other great photographers snapping away at drift cars whipping around Elko Speedway. I enjoyed my time taking photos and may be time for me to suck it up and actually purchase one of these bad boys(camera). It really seem like the other day I was snapping photos for the first time and not knowing how to go about taking a car in motion but with the help of people like Neng(jmuag production) and Tou(tydus photography) I started catching on and believe I took some decent fotos for a noob.

Well, at this particular event and like others in the past there was always one or two who find themselves pushing the limit too far as they slam against the walls of Elko. The unforgiving walls left a local drifter’s 240sx in flames literally(look in pictures) but the driver was able to walk away and even had time to pose along with the car as the engine bay was engulf in flames. Hopefully the driver/owner can savaged something together and be out drifting again. Even though it seemed that there was a couple of new drivers to the track, it didn’t seem the fade them a bit as I watch these guys pushing along the banks and inner turns looking like they’ve been there before. It’s always a pleasure getting to see drivers getting better at each event and only the future can tell where the drift scene in Minnesota will end up.

This summer of drifting has been fun to spectate and take photos at these drift events. I can only imagine what will happen in the next years to follow. I just want to take a little bit of time to say thanks to those helped me out this summer Jmuag Production, Tydus Photography, my brother, and anyone who took some time to look through my pictures and gave me feedback. You guys are greatly appreciated…thank you.

So...on other notes and random thoughts, I just hope I can continue on with this blog even though I will be lacking a little bit of picture quality.  When I started this blog I wasn't quite sure where I wanted it to lead to but I think having a place to put pictures on instead of just posting a link on facebook or forums show a little more effort.  It might just be the writer in me but i enjoy writing about cars and my experience.  Even though sometime I just find ways to say shit and post pictures alongside it(lol).  If you're a friend or stranger reading my blog for the first time, it'll be nice of you if you can spread the word and repost this blog onto your facebook or other social site you may be part of.  Maybe in the future I'll do a tech post with a little more information and facts, but I believe that's why there's car magazines and forums like honda-tech for you tech needs.  so feel free to share the blog and just try ton enjoy the pictures because it's just done out of fun.

VULOCITY's member Phia Vang's 240sx
 but really...i can't believe it's August already.  It seem as though this season has gone by so fast and I havent took enough pictures or talk about cars enough. well...looking back, i guess i did but im really not looking forward to winter, i need to move out west or something so i can do this on a daily.  It would be fun going to different events and getting paid to cover.  That's the dream job right there...even if it doesnt pay well, but if they would pay for expenses and all i have to do is go shoot and do write-ups I would do that shit all day if i could. maybe one day....


*honorable mention* ups to Team Shadowz the guys I met over the weekend.  Ya keep doin you're thing and thanks for the love. 

(pictures were taken over the weekend at ELKO SPEEDWAY MAP's round 3)

fiyah fiyah...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

All day Errday: You dont have to lie to kick it

I have learned from a young age that if you circle yourself by the things and people you want to become then eventually in time you will become that (even if you like it or not). Since I was in Jr, high I have always tried to circle my world with cars and anything that deal with the automotive world. Now as an adult it’s part of my life that I wouldn’t be able to live well without. I breathe and live cars and it took many many years for this to happen. I remember when I was about 13 I was laying in bed and suddenly made a decision that I want to know more about cars and left my artist background behind (not completely). You can call it a long lasting fad but it’s been a 10 plus year fad that’s for sure. As the years passed I have met many self devoted car enthusiasts like myself and maybe even a handful of “hardcore-I-will-die-if-my-car-gets-stolen” people but there has always been that one or two person who loves to put a “FRONT”. The people with the clever internet screen names or the one who claim to own five integra type R with every single swap imaginable to them, BUT having it stock. These are the people that just makes me shake my head. Seriously…you don’t have to lie to kick it.

You can call them posers or fan boys but I will nicely say they are just people who wants to get educated. I have met my share of guys who thought they knew what they’re talking about but after a few educational classes (me schooling them), they start realizing that they might not know exactly what they’re talking about. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying I know everything, but just saying sometimes people can be misinformed about something such as talking trash about Sport compacts cars and not know anything about them to begin with. These are the guys I have deal with growing up in this world of cars but that’s the norm that I am sure many guys can relate to. Those type of guys are common, but what I want to rant a little bit about is those people that post up pictures of their so-call cars saying it has this and that in it, but in reality it’s their friends’ or some form of family member’s car. I have seen with my own eyes a selected people that I will leave nameless claiming all these crazy things they have that most people can only afford one.

I remember as a kid I made a website saying I had a Skyline and a 300zx RB swapped and all these crazy things and as a kid I thought it was cool and harmless. One day I let my brother see this website and he asked me why did I put all these pictures of other people’s cars saying it’s mine but in reality it wasn’t at all. He told me that it’s better to tell people you have nothing then lie about owning a skyline and from then on I never dare to claim other people’s ride as my own. I was about 13 at the time so give me a break if you think I’m contradicting what I am trying to rant here (lol). From all those years ago I still carried that on and when I see what some people claim and I can tell their just full of it about what they have, I just play stupid and respond with a “uh huh” and “okay” even though a part of me want to call their ass out. I honestly just feel bad for those people who feel like they need to lie about something.

So, if you’re reading this and you know someone who may fit the poser description or might even be one yourself, I suggest you to tell them to read more and don’t ever be afraid to ask questions. Everyone started from the bottom and you just make yourself look stupid if you go around claiming you have something when you really don’t. It’s okay if you don’t have a 500hp Honda or a JUN’s Supra, there’s no shame in it. Be proud of what you have, even it’s nothing or just a simple air intake because as soon you start saying Bullshit, anything that follows don’t mean nothing. Being a poser is not a good look so don’t do it.

(these photos are examples how i circle myself with cars and this is what i mean by "ALL DAY, ERRDAY"...aint no posing shit here, just real shit, it might not be some super street magazine shit here, but it is real and how I keep myself circled)

LS block just hiding

Friday, July 15, 2011

PhotoG's First: I'm on one (photos of Civic SiR and cali-born Integra)

This 2011 summer I made a pledge to myself to take photos of my experience with anything dealing with cars since I wasn’t going to do any type of racing or car building like last year.  Alongside a good friend, Neng (Jmuag Production) I attended my first drift events this year with a pretty good amount photos (look at previous posts).  Before the drifting events I took an advantage of an evening to test out my photography.  Since my cousin had minty fresh Cali-born Integra he was my first subject of choice, then upon learning a good friend of his had an authentic Honda Civic SiR I had to add him in the mix.  So my weapon of choice is a Canon 40d that my brother was lending to me during the summer to get a hang of a DSLR camera (maybe when I have a little more cash in my pocket I can afford my own camera, but for the time being I will be using whatever that is given to me).

Being my real first time using a DSLR in fully manual I wasn’t even sure if the pictures would come out any good.  It was during the evening, so setting everything to grab as much light was more an obstacle than any other.  To remind you, I am no photographer and literally picked up a camera with a quick lesson in the different settings and started taking pictures as I got the hang of adjusting everything accordingly.  Honestly, I don’t even remember the names of the things I’m adjusting; I just do it and some how the photos come out okay.  There are more bad photos then good ones, but good thing its digital because if it was back in the days, I would’ve been broke purchasing film rolls.

So…onto the cars, the SiR literally stole my heart.  Knowing that thousands of Americans thrive to make their own 96-98 civic into this Japanese beauty, it started making me see it in a different light.  I was never a fan of the moldings on the bumper covers but after seeing this car it changed my mind.  My first time seeing a SiR was in magazines and on the internet, but seeing it in real life had me awaken to what a REAL “JDM” car was.  It was everything any “JDM” enthusiasts could dream about and more.  Only thing that might be better would be a Type R of some sort, but until then I stick to the SiR.  This SiR even made me want to change my own personal car’s appearance to maybe replica the look since (look at older posts) I can only dream of owning my very own SiR.  It was a real treat in being able to capture some beauty of this great looking car and thanks to the owner for letting me do so.

Probably one of the cleanest Integra that I have ever seen that hasn’t gotten any body work has to go to my cousin’s Cali-born Integra.  For years, between old friends and relatives we have always said that buying a car from California or any other state besides the salt drench streets of Minnesota would always be better then purchasing a car in the state.  Why? Well, because our winters are harsh, it shows no mercy to the body and everything on a car making everything either ugly or harder to work on (rusted bolts and everything that gets rusted).  Biggest ugly thing for any Honda owner is the rear quarter panels rusting and to find a car without this cancer is almost rare on its own.  Since it is a rare sight to see, a lot of people including myself always talked about purchasing a car out of state.  This also includes my cousin who went all the way to California to purchase this minty-fresh Cali-born Integra.  Even though to some people it may be hard to grasp why anyone would go all the way to California to purchase a regular Integra, but knowing my cousin since we were in diapers it was an actual height of trying to get exactly what he wants.  People have to understand that my cousin has own more cars then some people in their lifetime and to be able to have him at a certain satisfaction level is in almost impossible feat.  But I believe that this Integra will be in his arsenal for quite some time and hopefully stay out of the “For Sale” market before it get an overhaul and starts tearing up the streets.

Thank you to Team Brooklyn and Jmuag Productions


*these pictures were taken on 5.31.2011 @ unknown location