Thursday, September 29, 2011

personal thoughts of JMP showoff and end of summer thoughts

Me taken by Beyond the Rev at a RKC meet

I know I havent written much, but i guess I havent had much to say lately.  Well, this past weekend was Jmuag Production 2nd annual Showoff and it was my first time participating in putting a show together.  I can say overall it was a good experience and want to do another one next year.  Given a bigger spot I think the sky is the limit on where the show can go.  More planning and more promoting can only mean a bigger crowd and more things to do and see.  Even though the show this past weekend was kinda tucked away, i think the people that was there and the cars that was being showcase just shows that it can only get better.  One of the goals of the show was to get away from the regular "car meets" and actually showcase cars that are above your average car you see on the streets.  I'm sure some people who attended wish they couldve parked their cars alongside the "show cars", but again...our goal was to get away from your "car meets".

In my eyes the show was a success and by helping a local Hmong owner with his business is just another thing to add that it was a successful show.  I have plans of uniting two groups in the Hmong comunnity and as of right now is still in the works and hopefully next year we can make it happen for everyone to enjoy.  But until then i'll keep it under wraps, but everyone should be on the look out for 2012...and im not talking about the end of the world lol.

JMP 2nd showoff taken by Rio/JMP
 but uhh...back to the show over the weekend, it was great seeing everyone who attended.  The live music made the show and I truly think if we didnt have the music blasting it wouldnt be the same.  So, i just want to give props to the DJs for making the show live.  Even though we didn't have hundreds of cars, i think the quality of cars that was being showcased made up for the quanity. I just want to thank everyone for making it a success cause the show wouldve been whack as fuck if it wasn't for, real talk.

went bass fishing every weekend
 Soooo....Summer has left and Fall is already setting in.  Leaves are turning colors and soon enough I'll be raking them up into a pile and crying like crazy cause winter is coming.  I use to like winter as a kid, that was until i had to start driving in the snow and shoveling the stupid driveway every time we had snow fall.  I really think Summer went by too fast, but as I look back at the past summer months the only thing i can say i regret was not driving my car(fo-d'oh).  But i did a lot of the things i wanted to do this summer and that included from taking a road trip to DC, taking photos of cars and finishing it off with a car show.  I couldn't really ask any more out of summer, well...i could but I just dont wanna be greedy.  At the beginning of the year I was ready for anything and even though I didn't get to keep a job, doing the things i wanted to do all summer made up for it.  Cannot complain at all cause most people just sat around or went to work every day and to say i did what I wanted is saying a lot.

Well, since its gon only get colder and my activity will lessen, i think I will start filling my blog up with random thoughts and things i like such as music(videos), bully dogs and art....and whatever i feel like.  Since cars, will be down a bit until I Spring stir back up and JMP is back on the grind doing this shit.


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